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“Worth every penny”

I love DesignFiles and their team is great with communication, DesignFiles saves me easily 3 to 4 hours a room. It's that good! Will highly recommend them to my other designer friends. DesignFiles is worth every penny

Shinay K.

Press Kit

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About DesignFiles

DesignFiles was built to provide interior designers with their own professional e-design platform branded to their business. Using DesignFiles interior designers can source products, create digital designs, invite their clients in to discuss the looks, send out branded presentations and tear sheets and manage all of their client projects in one easy to use platform.

With e-design quickly becoming a popular option in the industry it is more important than ever that designers have the tools they need to tap into this lucrative online market. While crowd sourced e-design sites can be helpful to connect designers with potential clients, the downside is that designers are often bound to the rates and project terms set by these sites.

With DesignFiles interior designers can have their own e-design platform up and running in minutes and ready to accept clients. Designers set their own rates and project terms and keep 100% of their earnings. DesignFiles does not take a cut from the designer.

We're in the business of helping interior designers grow their business, so it's fair to say we have a lot riding on our member's success.

Features List

Logos - Click the icons to download the logos

Images - Click the icons to download the images

Built-in Questionnaire For Clients
Built-in Questionnaire For Clients
Source Products With Ease
Source Products With Ease
Create 3D Digital Room Designs
Create 3D Digital Room Designs
Create 2D Concept Boards
Create 2D Concept Boards
Discuss The Look With The Client
Discuss The Look With The Client
Automatically Generated Product Lists
Automatically Generated Product Lists
Automatically Generated PDF Presentations
Automatically Generated PDF Presentations
Personal Product Library
Personal Product Library
Ability to Hide Shop Links From Clients
Ability to Hide Shop Links From Clients


How to Simplify Your Business with DesignFiles

Need more information?

I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Contact me at